मिनू-जंबो जंगलातली गोष्ट जरा वेगळी आहे बरं!फक्त इंग्लिश भाषेत म्हणून नव्हे हं!ती सावध ऐका कारण गोष्टीत एक प्रश्न गुंफला जाईल.
मी सांगेन रे उत्तर पण तू ही जरा डोकं चालव!काय?प्रदीप देशपांडे यांनी लिहिलेली Jumbo Jungle Story ऐकू या .….
It was a cold winter morning in Jumbow Jungle. Gumbow the small wonder had just woken up from a good night’s sleep. He strolled to the lake as his friends Timbow, Mumbow, Lumbow and Bearbow joined him. Timbo was fascinated with Strawberries while Mumbow enjoyed Bananas. Lumbow always had two (or rather three) minds to choose from the various fruits that the Jumbow Jungle produced.
Near the lake, a large heap of hay and corn was piled up. Lumbow had a habit of holding his head high up frequently which was the gift of evolution for his survival. While he was doing so he noticed someone was pouring some powder on the hay and corn stored for the horses. Smelling foul play , Lumbow alerted Gumbow Team members present at the lake. Timbow promptly ran to investigate. Being tiny in size, Timbow was always inconspicuous. Mumbow climbed on top of a tree to see what was happening. Both came back almost at once.
“Gumbow, the canny fox and his friends have poured some powder on the hay” (said Timbow.)
“Why did they do that? The hay and the corn is to feed the horses in winter.” murmured Gumbow to himself while listening to Timbow intently.
“The canny fox must be up to something wicked !”- Added Bearbow.
“Gumbow, I have collected one of the bags they left when they fled upon seeing us” (Mumbow showed the bag to all.)
“Oh, this contains a powder that could be poisonous”, said Bearbow, who knew the canny fox’s wicked intentions and the harm that such powders could cause.
“What is this powder and how does it affect the horses?” asked Gumbow.
“Consumption of excess fluoride can cause irregular growth of bones. Hence you may end up with one leg longer than the other. We already have small but sufficient quantities of fluoride in the natural water that we drink. However, if the horses eat the corn and hay laden with fluoride, the young ones may suffer and we may not have fit horses to win the next race” informed Bearbow.
“But they could not pour it on all the hay and corn as we reached there well on time”- Mumbow
“Well we need to find out how much of their food is left in good condition and then we can decide how many of our racehorses can be fed through the winter on thestock. The rest of the horses can then be moved to the other stock pile of corn and hay” (Gumbow added thoughtfully.)
The stock near the lake was meant for six race horses. But the good stock was enough for the six horses for only 30 days and not for the remaining 75 days of the winter. Some of the horses, would have to be moved out to the other areas. It took Bearbow six days to find another location with enough stock, to move some of the horses for the rest of the winter.
Understanding the entire situation, Gumbow finally decided to move four horses on the seventh day. Will the uncontaminated stock of hay and corn be enough for the two horses to be fed during the remaining winter? Explain how!
मिनू- समजलंय का उत्तर?बघ बरं, हेच आहे का?
Yes! Gumbow’s calculations are correct.
69 days of winter remain (as it took 6 days for Berabow and Gumbow to find out the other area where the horses could be moved i.e. 75 days minus 6 days = 69 days) and enough food remains for the two horses to be fed for 72 days. Since the day of fluoride attack, it took Bearbow and Gumbow 6 more days to find out the new area for the transfer of 4 horses. It means they had to feed all 6 horses for six days on the good stock. Had Gumbow kept all the six horses, then he would have been able to feed them only for 24 days (30 days -6 days = 24 days). But clever Gumbow kept only two horses out of six, from the seventh day, i.e. one third as many and so he will be able to feed them for 24 x 3 = 72 days.
मिनू- आवडली का गोष्ट?आणि गोष्टीतलं गणित?गंमत आहे ना?